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Latin America Resource
and Training Center

Tocumen Living Water Christian School Project
By Rod and Sherry Boyd

Tocumen, Panama

The Tocumen Living Water Christian School was the featured school project for 2004 through 2006.  Please take a tour of the progress that's been made in the last several weeks at the Tocumen Living Water Christian School. After reading this paragraph, start at the bottom and work your way up. The new facilities will provide an additional 10 classroom, two labs, restrooms, workroom and offices, increasing the capacity of the school from 300 to almost 650!

Following is background information on Project Tocumen.

Additional articles on Project Tocumen

Project Tocumen (October 2003)

“Breaking the chains of poverty and oppression
through Christian education for children, youth and adults”

Tocumen girlTocumen community

Tocumen, is a large, densely populated city located on the outskirts of Panama City, near the international airport. Those marginalized by poverty cannot afford to live close to the city.

Panamanians call Tocumen a “zona roja” (red zone). Crime and poverty create an oppressive climate. Limited education keeps people chained to despair, with no way out.

Pastor Carlos NavarroBut God has raised up his church in Tocumen. Living Water Assembly of God is responding to the need. Pastor Carlos Navarro and his congregation have a strong vision to offer hope to this community. The church is located along the main highway that passes through the city. The large, growing congregation meets in a sanctuary that seats 500. The church offers a diverse program to reach out to its community that includes the Living Water Christian School.

Tocumen school growthLiving Water Christian School began in 1999 with 32 students in kindergarten and first grade. The school has grown each year and now has 201 students through the sixth grade.

The school has a positive presence in the community. Many non-Christian families want to send their children to receive a quality Christian education. Pastor Carlos has developed an intentional and strategic outreach to the unsaved through the school.

Tocumen schoolBut the school needs help! The church and school are land-locked. The facilities are make-shift and inadequate. The school needs additional land, more classrooms, a gymnasium and administrative facilities. There is land available behind the school that borders the community park and would provide the needed “green area” as the school grows.

The school would like to build a connecting three-story facility next to the sanctuary, replacing the current classrooms. The additional facilities would allow the school to expand to secondary school and offer an adult fulfillment program.

Latin America ChildCare is currently sponsoring one-third of the students in the school. Others are waiting for help to arrive. LACC has helped to build an intermediate floor in the sanctuary, providing ten additional classrooms. But now is the time to build!

Tocumen kidsYou have the opportunity to help! Please join us in prayer that God would supply the need. You can give towards the $125,000 expansion project that includes $35,000 for land and $90,000 for reconstruction and expansion. You can send building teams to assist with construction. You can send ministry teams to strengthen the church’s impact in the community.

Together we will “break the chains of poverty and oppression through Christian education for children, youth and adults.” Please send your offerings to:

Tocumen kidsAssemblies of God World Missions
Project Tocumen 8571
1445 Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802

For more information or if you are interested in sending a building or ministry team, please write us at