Colombia 2019: A Very
Educational Leaders Summit
Rod and Sherry Boyd
The 2019 Colombia Educational Leaders
Summit was a success! Thank you to all who have prayed with
us for this very special Summit. The Summit was held June
24-27 at the central Bible school in Bogota. We had 378
attend from nine countries. About half of our international
team and sponsors attended. Four things made this Summit
very special!

special presence of the Holy Spirit. The theme of the Summit was A
People of the Spirit. Forty speakers shared in 9 general sessions and 25
workshops. The Spirit moved in a powerful way among His people, especially
in the evening services.
Strong Colombian participation. Five
years ago, educational leaders from Colombia contacted us about having a
special Summit for their Bible School teachers and leaders. We have
conducted two “off year” Summits in the past, 2013 in Mexico and 2015 in the
Dominican Republic. Colombia has one of our largest and strongest programs,
but few have participated in the International Summits. Of the 378 in
attendance, 306 were from Colombia! The vast majority of these took their
first PROCEPA teacher certification workshops. More than 100 joined the ATAL
theological association. Both of these are important steps to help those
that are teaching the next generation of harvest workers to be properly
trained and fully qualified.
launch of a third, Andean Summit. About 10 years ago, we began to
pray about adding a third Summit, one for the “Andean” countries in the
northern part of South America – Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador in
particular. Because of the geographical nature of the other two Summits –
the northern version always in Central America and the southern version in
the southern cone of South America – these three bordering countries would
never host a Summit. All three of these countries are excited about having
their own Summit and taking turns to host it!
Compassionate outreach to Venezuela.
2012, we had 83 Venezuelans attend the Summit in Lima, Peru. In 2014, only
15 attended the Summit in Montevideo, Uruguay. In 2016, only 2 attended the
Summit in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Our Venezuelan brothers and sisters were such
an active part of the Summits in the past. Today, Venezuela’s economy is in
shambles and people don’t even have enough food for their families. They
want to be a part of these international educational family events, but are
not able.
we were forming plans for the Colombia Summit, the Lord laid on our hearts
to look for special help to provide scholarships for our Venezuelan teachers
and leaders. I mentioned the need to a special brother who joined me in
prayer and said he would also look for help. We received a seed offering and
committed to covering the expenses for 50 Venezuelans. The national church
in Colombia helped with some expenses. All who attended the Summit reached
out to these dear friends in compassion.
As the 50 Venezuelans lined up to load onto the bus that
would take them back to the border, we were able to personally thank and
encourage each one. One sister asked me if we had heard of Martin Luther
King’s famous speech “I Have a Dream.” She said, “my dream is for Venezuela
to host the Summit in 2023.” We cried.
Thank you for making it possible to
raise up Christian leaders in Panama and throughout Latin America… even
