Calvary Temple
Seattle: Final Thrust at Las Mananitas
By Rod and Sherry Boyd
Temple Seattle, Washington, led by associate pastor Josh
Gerbracht and children’s pastor Kevin Geer, brought 13 men
and women to focus in three ministry areas. Pastor Kevin
worked with two other team members in children’s outreaches
at various Good Shepherd schools and in distributions of
evangelistic materials in several public schools.
Josh worked with two other team members to assemble and place 50 computers
and overhaul existing computers. (See
Technology Campaign 2002)
Seven men continued to lay block around the perimeter of
the second story building. The majority of this work was scaffolding work,
blocking to the roof. A small team finished the electrical work in the
science area and began the electrical work on the library and administrative
area on the lower level. The children’s team joined the construction efforts
in the afternoon. The small team laid an enormous amount of block!
were privileged to have three generation of Radfords with us Ray, Steve and
Mark. Grandfather and grandson worked together laying block, while Steve led
the electrical team.
The team enjoyed a day of touring out of Panama City.
They went to a open market in the town of El Valle on their way to a
beautiful Pacific beach at Santa Clara. Some members of the team were part
of the 1989 MAPS team that came to Panama. That team started construction on
the Kuna church in Panama City. Our trip to the church brought back many
memories. The whole team joined together for the final chapel at Las
Mananitas. The whole school was able to say “thank you” for the team’s hard
work and ministry.
Calvary Temple Seattle with us was a reunion of sorts. Most members of the
team are friends. We served on staff at CTS from 1986 through 1991, nearly
six years.
Thank you pastors Josh and Kevin and team for your
diverse and substantial investment in the lives of children and young people
at Las Mananitas.
There is still more work to do! The library and office
area floors must be poured and electrical work finished. Windows must be
installed in this area also. Lights, windows and hanging ceiling must be
installed in the science area. Block dividers need to be installed in most
of the second story. We need $10,000 for the next phase that needs to be
completed within the next few months. If you are able to help, please send
your offerings to:
Assemblies of God World Missions
Project 7794
1445 Boonville Ave
Springfield, MO 65802
