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Latin America Resource
and Training Center
Raising Up Harvest
Rod and Sherry Boyd
Jesus said, “The
harvest is plentiful but the
workers are few. Ask the Lord of the
harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his
harvest field” (Mt. 9:37-38). The need is so
great and there are too few workers! God has called
us to raise up leaders among our Spanish-speaking
brothers, who God is calling to take their place as
harvest workers here and around the world. We are
privileged to enable leaders, equip teachers and
provide resources to make this possible.
For the 20 Spanish-speaking countries in the Latin
America and Caribbean region, ministerial training –
the preparation of pastors, missionaries and church
workers – takes place in a network of more than
1,000 Bible schools, extension sites and training
centers. There are currently 35,000 students
preparing for ministry in these centers. Most of
these men and women will become pastors and ministry
leaders in the 40,000 Assemblies of God churches in
the region. However, many will evangelize and plant
new churches in under-reached areas. Some will
become missionaries to un-reached people groups
around the world and go places closed to AGWM
The strength of the Latin America ministerial
training program is the army of nearly 6,000
volunteer teachers. The vast majority are pastors
who take time from their busy schedules to invest in
current and future harvest workers. They are not
full-time teachers and have not received adequate
preparation to teach. In fact, our Latin American
leaders have consistently identified teacher
training as the area of greatest importance and
The Latin America Resource and Training Center began
the PROCEPA program in 2008 in response to this
need. PROCEPA is the training and certification
program for Bible school professors in
Spanish-speaking Latin America. Teachers are
required to take 10 two-hour workshops to earn their
basic certification. In addition, they are required
to take six workshops ever two years to renew their
certification. Many are able to attend PROCEPA
workshops that are offered at the Educators Summits
we conduct every two years. But most attend
workshops at national PROCEPA seminars.
Teachers and leaders have enthusiastically embraced
the PROCEPA program. As we finish the sixth year of
PROCEPA, we are happy to report that there are now
more than 3,500 teachers enrolled and participating
in the program! 2013 was especially busy and
productive for PROCEPA. There were PROCEPA workshops
conducted in eight countries during the year: El
Salvador, Uruguay, Panama, Mexico, Dominican
Republic, Ecuador, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. This
year alone, enrollment increased by 1,170!
A total of 368 have completed their basic
certification. We believe there will be another 400
that will complete their basic certification at the
two Educators Summits next year (March 10-13, 2014
in El Salvador and Sept. 8-11, 2014 in Uruguay). Of
the 368 that finished their basic level, 156 have
begun their refresher workshops.
Please pray for us as we lead the PROCEPA ministry.
As we reported earlier, Miguel and Maria Morales
will be joining us in Panama in the coming months.
They are currently itinerating in the United States,
raising prayer and financial support. We have asked
Miguel to direct this ministry and can’t wait for
his “boots to be on the ground”! We are also
grateful to a large group of missionaries and
national leaders who regularly teach PROCEPA
workshops. But we need more workshop leaders!
Please pray that the teachers who receive PROCEPA
training will return to their classrooms, more
inspired and better equipped to teach and challenge
their students to prepare themselves as harvest
workers for God. And together let’s ask the Lord of
the harvest to send more workers into the harvest! |
