What a Difference a
Year Makes!
Rod and Sherry Boyd
Christmas, as 2016 comes to an end, we rejoice in God’s
goodness and protection over our family. My are those
grandkids growing! We thank God for more than 100
faithful churches and individuals who have stood by us in
prayer and financial support down through the years. We
especially celebrate His provision, guidance and strength
during a very intense year of construction of the
Latin America Resource and
Training Center. And we say thank you to the dozens
who have sacrificially given this year towards construction
of the Center.
One year ago we had just cleared the land where the
Center would be built. Last December was spent leveling the land... cutting
into the hillside and filling the lower area by the creek. In January,
foundations and columns were finished. In February, crossbeams and metal
decking were placed, just in time for the first group to arrive to work on
laying block. And so the work continued, month by month.

What a different a year

Today, the 9,000 square foot, two-story phase one
building structure is complete! Finish work is underway... Painting, drop
ceilings, floor tiles, doors and windows, electrical and plumbing are in
process and should be completed in time for a January 2017 move in! God
provided two miracles along the way. First, we were approved for a $50,000
matching offering. Second, dozens responded to the matching challenge with
full commitments received two months before the deadline! As we step out in
faith, we’re asking God to provide what is needed to finish the building.
And now...
Another miracle is on the
way! We just received word that the same foundation that provided the
first $50,000 match has approved us for an additional $50,000 matching
grant! This will not only allow us to finish the phase one building, but
will also help us to begin the phase two building! The first floor of the
phase two building must be completed by July 2017 so that we’ll be able to
house the 50 that will attend the four-week Advanced Training session
scheduled for August. The first MAPS construction team for the phase two
building is scheduled for March. Please pray with us that we will receive
$50,000 in matching fund offerings (that provides a total of $100,000!) and
that three additional construction teams will join us by June 2017!
We’re getting ready for
the move! We’re so grateful for the new facilities. Our team is
growing and we’re in desperate need of space! The new facilities will allow
us to more effectively equip leaders, train teachers and develop and provide
needed resources for Spanish-speaking Latin America.
Please check back here at
www.Boyds.org and at the Center’s website at
www.lartc.net for news and updates. If
you are able to help towards the new $50,000 match, please send your
year-end offerings to the following address:
Assemblies of God World Missions
LARTC Project 14295
1445 Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802
Once again, thank you for standing with us. Together we
are raising up Christian leaders in Panama and throughout Latin America.
With these leaders, we are preparing present and future harvest workers who
will reach the unreached and go to places where we’re not able to go!