In a fitting conclusion to the
construction, Portland Christian Center blocked the
fourth and final floor of the Jehovah Jireh Good
Shepherd School. This experienced construction team
was the first team that started construction in May
2007, laying the difficult basement retaining wall.
As the seventh and last team, they blocked the
entire fourth floor, including four classrooms,
restrooms and an auditorium. Their work included
forming and pouring bond beams above the 11th course
in every wall. The group ranged from 14 to 17
individuals during the 15 days of the trip.
The team enjoyed a day trip to
Colon, the port city located on the Caribbean side
of the Panama Canal that ended with a tour of the
Visitor Center at the Miraflores locks on the
Pacific side. The team was also able to visit the
Canaan and Monte de Sion Good Shepherd Schools,
attending services on two different Sundays.
Portland has had an important role in the
construction of both of these schools. The team
attended a chapel service and farewell church
service on the last night where the church and
school recognized their important work.
Pastor Johnny Saucedo highlighted
the significance of the fourth story. “This school
and the construction of this building have been a
testimony to not just this community, but also to
the thousands and thousands that pass by the church
and school each day. This is a miracle!” The four
story building is the tallest within a square mile.
The auditorium on the fourth floor will also serve
as a prayer room. From this vantage point, looking
beyond the busy Tocumen Highway towards Panama City,
one can see the expanse of tract housing and
neighborhoods, home to more than 200,000 of the more
than one million that live in the Greater Panama
City area.
The shell and classroom divisions
of the school are nearly complete. Although no
additional teams are planned for this project, there
is still much work to be done. A small amount of
blocking remains in the stairwell, the open areas
where materials have been brought up to each floor,
façade above the roof line and in some areas over
the bond beams. The next step will be to put on the
“stucco” layer on the exterior of the building. Our
goal is to finish the first and second floor by
March. This will allow the school to move out of the
rented apartments next to the school. When all four
floors are completed, the capacity of the school
will double from 350 to over 700.
Thank you, team leader David
Martin, Pastor Bob Ward and team members, for coming
to Panama and for your hard work and witness. Thank
you, Pastor Ray Noah and congregation for your
generous construction offering. What you have sown
by your investment of time and finance, will result
in lives being transformed by the power of the
gospel and equipped to also be invested in God’s
Please pray with us that God
would provide sufficient funds for the work
remaining, including interior stucco and painting,
doors and windows, electrical, plumbing and drop
ceiling. If you are able to help, please send your
offerings to:
Assemblies of God World Missions
Jireh School, Project 7795
1445 Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802
Portland Christian
Daily Photo Journal

November 14, 2008

May 1, 2007

Portland Christian
Daily Photo Journal |