60 New Computers for
Schools in El Salvador
By Rod and Sherry Boyd

Once again, David and Deborah Kaiser and
the Little Davey team from the Portland, OR area delivered
the goods! They assembled and installed 60 computers in four
different school computer labs in El Salvador, Central
America the last week of March.
The 2010 team is the fifth Little Davey team. Little Davey
began providing computers for schools in 2005. This year’s
team was also the largest team ever with 14 members, plus
the two of us.
All of the team members carried the internal
components (motherboard/processor, memory and hard drive) in
their carry-on luggage. They also brought network hubs and
connectors for each computer lab and five Nike soccer balls
for each school. Little Davey raises funds from local
businesses and individuals to cover these costs. Team
members pay their own travel expenses.
Latin America ChildCare and local schools paid for lab
preparation (electrical, cabling, furniture, etc.) and the
other larger components (monitor, case, keyboard/mouse and
DVD-ROM drive). These components were purchased locally.
The team arrived on Friday night and worked all day
Saturday. Work takes place on two fronts. Most of the team
assembles the computers. A few members prepare a master hard
drive with the operating system and other software, and then
begin making copies on the rest of the hard drives. Most of
the computers were completed by the end of the day on
After church and rest on Sunday, the team began deliveries
to the schools. These school visits are much more than
simply installing a computer lab. After unpacking computers
and monitors, half of the team visits the classrooms to
share a brief English and culture lesson and give children
candy and the teacher a sack of supplies and gifts. The
other half of the team sets up the computers, network cables
and hub. We then invite a group of children into their new
computer lab for a dedication ceremony.
Each school experience is unique. The first three schools
were located in the greater San Salvador area. The first two
schools are huge, with well over 1,000 students attending in
two shifts, morning and afternoon. The third school had
almost 1,000 students. The 15 computers we installed for
these three schools were adding to existing computer labs,
replacing very old, non-operational computers. The new
modern computers with LCD monitors made for a stark contrast
to the out-dated computers that these schools try to keep
 Almost always, one experience stands out as the most
memorable. This describes the fourth and last school we
visited on Thursday. We traveled almost three hours out of
San Salvador to the community of Guatajiagua, located in the
hotter low lands. This is a smaller school, with 273
students. We were installing a brand new computer lab. The
director, teachers and students were so excited! This
installation took longer. The first order of business was to
put all of the computer desks together. And even though all
of the network cable was run, we had to put the connectors
on and test each cable.
The dedication of the lab was the most special we’ve had so
far. The director of the school asked if it would be OK if
she shared a testimony. She explained how they had started a
prayer group of teachers and students a year ago and that a
new computer lab was on the top of their list! She said we
were an answer to their prayers. There wasn’t a dry eye in
the place!
We’re so grateful for the ministry of Little Davey and for
the work of this year’s team. These people have become dear
friends. They have caught a vision for the complete gospel
that is captured by the LACC slogan: transforming the heart,
inspiring the mind. Simply put, giving kids the opportunity
to learn computers and technology gives them the little lift
they may need to not just come to the Lord, but to also
become all that He desires for them to be.
If you would be interested in organizing or being a part of
a “Computers for Schools” team, please visit our
for School page on our website.
