Back-to-Back: 2018 Educators Summit
and LA Education Ministries Board
Rod and Sherry Boyd
The last week of August and first week of
September were busy days! We spent most of August preparing
for two important back-to-back meetings that were held in
Cordoba, Argentina: the 2018 Educators Summit followed by
the Latin America Education Ministries Board meeting. We
would like to thank all who prayed for these two very
important meetings. Following are our reports of those two

Summit. We conducted the second of two 2018 Educators Summits (the
first was in Tegucigalpa, Honduras in April) Aug. 27-30 at the Holiday Inn
Hotel and Convention Center in Cordoba, Argentina. A total of 320 teachers,
pastors, Bible school directors, national and international leaders attended
from sixteen countries. Alton Garrison, Assistant Superintendent from the US
Assemblies of God was a special guest.
The Summit included ten general sessions that centered on
three Bible qualities: The Inspired, Useful and Faithful Word of God. The
Summit also included 25 workshops offered in five workshop periods during
the Summit and two additional periods in a pre-Summit seminar. The workshops
are part of the PROCEPA teacher certification program. More than half of the
attendees were taking their very first PROCEPA workshop. There are now 6,775
teachers enrolled in the PROCEPA program and nearly 1,500 that have
completed the basic level.
are so grateful to fellow missionaries Miguel and Mari Morales. According to
our long-range plan, in March of this year they became directors of the
Resource and Advisory Center (RAC) for Bible Schools. It is the RAC ministry
that has faithfully conducted the Educator Summits since 1996. Miguel and
Mari did a fabulous job working with our local committee to organize and
conduct this inspirational event.
Latin America Education Ministries Board.
This board, comprised of the Latin America Education Ministries Leadership
Team, the national superintendents and the national Christian education
directors, meets every three years for major decisions related to the
education programs in the 19 Spanish-speaking countries in the Latin America
and Caribbean region. The Leadership Team meets at least once each year. Rod
serves as Director of Latin America Education Ministries.

The Leadership Team meets before the board meeting to
finalize the agenda and make final decisions. This meeting was critically
important to the development of the ministry as our agenda included the
final approval of an accreditation agreement with an international
university. The Leadership Team met directly after the end of the Educators
Summit and met into the early morning hours. The rest of the board joined us
later in the morning to begin our two full days of meetings.
are grateful to report that by unanimous vote, our Leadership Team was
empowered to seek and enter in to any agreements for accreditation that
would benefit our program. The meeting also included a report on our 2020
Vision strategic planning initiative. Rod summarized a 40-page document, Our
Core Values, the result of nearly a year of investigation and writing. The
five core values are Quality Training, Pentecostal Decision, Accessibility,
Ownership and Unity. We’re also happy to report that Rod was re-elected as
Director and Miguel Morales as Assistant Director for the next three years.
We announced at the end of the meeting that the following
board meeting (2021) will be held at the Latin America Resource & Training
Center in Panama! The ability to host these events at the Center saves
thousands of dollars. Thank you so much for your ongoing prayers for
our ministry. You stand with us in prayer while we are on international
front lines and while we are at home in the Latin America Resource &
Training Center. Thank you!