Rod and Sherry Boyd
months of delay, we finally traveled to Panama last month.
We were able to meet with some of our national church
leaders and had a wonderful dinner with our missionary
family. Because of Covid restrictions, schools are still
closed and gatherings are restricted, so we were not able to
visit pastors and school leaders.
Our Latin America Resource and Training Center team has
done a wonderful job of wrapping up major construction projects during our
absence. The Center looks
wonderful! It was so gratifying to see all the work that has been
accomplished and see things actually look finished. We are so grateful to
the dozens of individuals, ministries and churches that have made this dream
possible! We are including a number of the photos that we took.
Lord gave us the vision for the Center more than 15 years ago. As we shared
in our Spring Panorama article Faithful, He also gave us a leadership
transition plan that coincides with our overall plan to finish our
missionary career. We shared, “We are keenly aware of our responsibility
to pass on leadership and responsibility. Our desire has been to invest in
the next generation of leaders, to finish well with new leaders in place.
Almost 15 years ago the Lord gave us the 5-5-5 plan: 5 years to find a
Timothy, 5 years to train him and 5 years to support him. The Lord has been
faithful to answer our prayer and has honored our plan and timetable.”
We are now nearing the end of the process with all
transitions nearly complete. We are very happy with those God has now called
to replace us in various ministry areas and leadership positions. Some of
these are direct appointments that we made or guided; others were made by
other ministry leaders.
Panama missionaries Tara and Gerritt Kenyon became the new
Panama ChildHope Coordinators in May this year. God will
use their vision for helping at risk children and youth to strengthen our
schools and expand their ministry to their communities.
El Salvador missionary Bob Bueno assumed
leadership of CIECAD (Central America Christian School
Commission) in January 2020. We believe he will provide excellent leadership
to the team of national directors and ChildHope missionary coordinators as
they encourage hundreds of schools and thousands of teachers through the
CIECAD Congresses and other initiatives.
Panama missionaries Miguel and Maria Morales assumed
leadership of the Panama Resource & Advisory Center for
Bible Schools in March 2018. Miguel was elected as Coordinator for
Christian Education Services in July 2020 after serving as
Assistant Coordinator since 2018. Miguel also assumed operational
responsibility for the Latin America Resource & Training Center
in 2020 and just last month assumes responsibility for LARTC construction
and development. We believe that Miguel and Maria will take these ministries
to new levels of effective ministry.
We currently serve as Coordinators for
Educational Resources for Christian Education Services. Much of our
focus the last few years has been in this area: advising our Faith & Action
Bible school curriculum series, providing support to Library Services,
developing a digital library for Bible schools and strengthening our
alliance with Logos Bible Software, the premiere digital resource provider.
We will also continue to strengthen LARTC’s library to become one of the
best biblical, theological, and ministerial libraries in Spanish-speaking
Latin America.
also continue to serve on the LARTC board. Our team met recently to review
construction progress as well as future development options. We received
miraculous offerings during the last twelve months that enabled us to
First floor of the training addition
Divide the large existing classroom into two
classrooms (the new large classroom is in the training addition)
Complete the perimeter security wall and electric
Sidewalks on the front and sides of the building
Parking lot and road gravel base and surfacing
Parking lot lighting
facade and soffits
Backside air conditioner compressor balcony railing
Final outside building painting
The Center is now 98% complete! The only major
construction that remains is to complete the second floor of the training
addition. With Covid conditions improving in Panama, we anticipate the the
Center will resume hosting activies the beginning of 2022. The board has
decided to wait until then to reevaluate the design for this space and
construction timetable. In the meantime, we have received about $3,500 of
the needed $40,000 and will continue to save for this project.
you for standing with us all these years! We anticipate that our transition
plans will be finished by the middle of next year. We’ll keep you updated on
our retirement plans. In the meantime, we have decided to not return to
Panama to live. Our visit to Panama last month, along with the opportunity
to visit with the Kenyons and Morales, helped to confirm our decision.
Instead, we will travel to Panama and other countries to visit and support
our team and ministries. We have a wonderful apartment always waiting for us
at the LARTC!

