2013 Educators Dialogue
By Rod and Sherry Boyd
“There’s an opportune time to do things,
a right time for everything on the earth.”
—Ecclesiastes 3:1, The Message
Most of us want our life to count for something, to leave our
mark. People and events that have impacted our lives inspire us to do the same.
It’s easy to look back and see the things that have influenced us. If it’s true
(and it most certainly is!) that “there’s an opportune time to do things,” we
must be people of faith and vision, applying God’s wisdom in order to do the
right thing at the right time, quite often waiting for God’s intervention. When
we do, with God’s help we can set some significant historical markers that will
be guideposts for those that follow.
We feel like we are at one of those points right now. Several
years ago the Lord spoke to us about the need to build a ministry complex in
Panama City for the Latin America Resource and Training Center. Following the
principle that there are opportune times to do things, it was wise and prudent
to wait to launch the project. One year ago the Lord spoke to us that it was
time to begin again. We started looking for property near the airport in Panama
City. About nine months ago we found a good candidate and began our
investigation, sought the Lord and knocked on funding doors. We met with the
owner two months ago to make an offer, only to find out that he had received a
better one.
No sale has been finalized. There is still a possibility that
we can secure this property. But we are now asking all who read this to join us
in earnest prayer that God would lead us to find the right property and that He
would direct negotiation and give us faith to believe that He will provide what
is needed in His time. We believe that this is one of those moments of historic
significance! Please take some time to look through the LARTC website (www.LARTC.net).

We believe we had another one of those “moments” a few weeks ago at the 2013
International Educational Leaders Dialogue, held in Panama City. The
Dialogues, conducted in February or March during odd years, are 48-hour
intensive strategy and troubleshooting sessions. We bring together the national
Christian education directors, international educational leaders and some of our
missionaries to consider the state of ministerial training in the 20
Spanish-speaking countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region. It is our
opportunity to “listen” to the needs represented by the countries and leaders
present. We’re going into some detail on this meeting to help you gain some
context of its historic significance.
We had extra work preparing for this year’s Dialogue. Several changes were made
to the constitution of Servicio de Educacion Cristiana (Christian Education
Services), the organization that coordinates the Christian Education program and
teaching plan used by hundreds of Bible schools in the region. We added three
new “specializations” to the Bible School program: Christian Education,
Children’s Ministries and Church Planting. We published the new Plan Basico
(Basic Plan), a 600-page book that includes guidelines for each educational
level from the local church to the master’s level, support ministries and the
Bible School course catalogue.
This was our largest Dialogue yet! We were very pleased to have 35 attend from
15 countries, including 12 national directors, our highest ever, and several
international leaders. The Dialogue is divided into two related segments. The
first day is dedicated to working through the Dialogue process. Each country
gives a brief annual report that provides context. Country directors share their
major need or weakness, then international leaders share their assessments of
the state of ministerial training. Each of these areas are included in the
master list of nominations on the board. Areas are consolidated a small group is
assigned to each major area for study and recommendations. Each small group
makes a presentation to the large group.
Four areas were chosen for study this year:
Expand and strengthen the training program for professors
Strengthen and implement a pervasive Pentecostal and ministerial philosophy
Develop and implement an effective national education plan
Consider the use of the Global University program and improve relationship
The second day
the group started its work as the Bible School Advisory Commission.
Our ministry, called the Latin America Resource and Training Center, serves over
1,000 Bible schools, extensions and ministry training centers in the region. We
look to this group for advice and support! We added a new segment to this year’s
Dialogue as a transition from the first day to the meeting of the commission. We
called it the Follow-up Forum. We listed all of the areas that have been
considered in the 8 Dialogues that have been conducted since 2001, paying close
attention to areas that have been repeated. We then asked ourselves some
important questions: What have we done to improve these areas? Have we seen
improvement? What else can be done? This morning session really helped us to put
everything in historical context. We were reminded that together we have
achieved some pretty amazing things!
We concluded our time together looking forward to the three Educators Summits on
the schedule for 2013-2014. The Summits are the large events that is our chance
to talk to hundreds of educators. The content of the Summits is based upon areas
discussed in the Dialogue. We were able to share what God has put on our hearts
for these Summits. Our theme will be “Lift Up Your Eyes!” We shared the three
major themes:
God is calling us to develop new ministries to address the complex problems in
our world, many of which are right at the door step of local church.
God is calling us to train new ministers. Our definition of ministry must be
broader to allow for the new ministers that God is calling to meet the needs of
the new ministries.
God is calling us to extend to new frontiers. There are two big things that God
is doing right now in Latin America: Education and Missions. As we are in step
with the Spirit we will train and we will send. These are the two steps that the
church is constantly taking.
And then the Spirit fell! What a beautiful time of breaking and prayer!
As the Dialogue came to a close we were reminded of the great privilege we have
to be in a place where we are influencing the education and training ministry in
Latin America. We have seen such growth in the caliber of educational leaders.
Looking out over the group and considering our time together, without a doubt
the 2013 Dialogue was historically significant!
We chose to provide a bit more detail about the 2013 Dialogue so that you could
capture how strategically important events like these Dialogues are for the
future of the church in Latin America. And thank you so much for standing with
us. Your faithful prayer and financial support makes us partners as we raise up
Christian leaders in Latin America who will shake our world with the gospel!