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Latin America Resource
and Training Center
Everett Team "Takes It
To the Next Level" at Mananitas
By Rod and Sherry Boyd
men, women and young people from Bethany Christian Assembly
ministered recently at the Las Mananitas El Buen Pastor (The
Good Shepherd) School. Their “taking it to the next level”
was both literal and figurative. Literally, the team started
construction on the second story of the new secondary
school. Figuratively, the team “connected” with the school.
A big plus was the medical team that ministered at Las
Mananitas and at another school.
construction crew, led by team coordinator Fenton Rees
focused on laying block during the two weeks. The crew was
small, but dedicated. By the end of the two weeks, the team
had laid almost 2,500 block… all of which needed to be
brought up to the second story floor, along with sand an
cement. Our goal was to raise a perimeter wall to window
level. As the team laid block, a Panamanian crew worked on
placing the columns and trusses for the coming roof. The
team saw first hand the importance of completing the work.
Torrential rains slowed the team and washed out classrooms
below. We’re grateful that progress continues and we expect
the roof to be finished within two weeks. In addition to
laying block, Senior Pastor Rob Carlson, his wife Lisa,
their son Reggie and Reggie’s friend Brian also spent a
couple of days painting another new area of first-floor
medical team, led by Dr. Pat Rees and two nurses, ministered
to more than 600 of the kindergarten through 12th grade
students at Las Mananitas. They also attended to almost 150
at another LACC school nearby. Their ministry included a
medical screening check-up (weight, height, questionnaire,
etc.) as well as vision testing. Follow-up was given when
problems were discovered. The team opened the clinic to
school personnel and church members the final day.
also visited classrooms to discuss health and nutrition. In
the end, Dr. Rees was able to make some very helpful
suggestions to school leadership to improve the overall
health of the students.
The team also enjoyed touring Panama
City, the Panama Canal and visiting a Pacific beach resort
on their day off. We were touched as we heard testimonies at
the team dinner at our home. We were impressed by the team’s
interaction with Panamanians that worked side-by-side. God
had fulfilled his purpose for the Bethany team. Many
children, youth, parents, teachers and workers received
God’s love in action. But members of the team were equally
touched by what God is doing in Panama. Different members of
the team chose to sponsor a child at Las Mananitas… six in
Thank you, Pastor Rob, Lisa, Reggie,
Fenton, Dr. Pat, Sandra, Reggie, Lilly Ann, Rick, Kevin,
Brenda, Harold, Julene and Bungee (Rick)! You have left your
mark and will not soon be forgotten.
