Concentrated Joy: LACC
Christmas and Graduations 2001
By Rod and Sherry Boyd
year it hits all at once. A concentration of joy starts at
Thanksgiving and ends a few days before Christmas. Bible
school graduations and Latin America ChildCare Christmas
parties begin around Thanksgiving. The end of the Christmas
parties marks the beginning of the LACC school graduations.
In all, we had twenty “celebrations” that we attended. The
concentration of joy always overwhelms the weariness!
Christmas… Sherry made the local merchants happy as usual. She purchased more
than 500 gifts… personally! She works hard to find something for each child
and teen within the budget we have to work with. This is the greatest
challenge. But none is gift more than Sherry in finding the bargain. The
children are never disappointed. It is always such a joy to see the
reactions of the children.
Some of the parties are very small. These schools are new
and just getting started in the LACC program. The party is more personal for
them. Other parties are much larger. The Las Mananitas party is always the
largest, requiring more logistics to make it successful. This year we had
more than 250 attend this party! Although less personal, we still try to
tell the Christmas story, pray with the children and help them write a thank
you letter to their sponsor. When we pray with the children we not only pray
for them but together we pray for the sponsors. If you’re a sponsor, know
that your child is praying for you!
spoken before of the two children we sponsor—Janeth and Henry. We saw Henry
a few months ago at his school in Doleguita. We were there for the
dedication of a new classroom. We weren’t able to be at this school for
their Christmas party.
But we were with Janeth. We see her quite often. She is
growing up to be quite a young lady. She has four brothers and sisters in
the same school. They are all sponsored. It’s a times like the Christmas
party when we feel closest to this family. This family of seven live in a
too small home just two blocks from the school. We’re glad we can be part of
impacting a whole family for the gospel.
wish everyone were able to see what we see. We have so many faithful
sponsors who give without seeing the fruit of their investment, except for
the occasional letter. Please take our word… you are making a difference!
Your prayer, sponsorship and gifts touch these children in so many ways.
Graduations… If the Christmas party is
the snapshot then the graduation is the whole photo album! This is truer
this year than any. There were some memorable graduations this year. The
most memorable was the 6th grade graduation at the Canaan El Buen Pastor
School. This is the school that has experienced phenomenal growth. The
school began in 1997 with 54 students and this year had 347. At one point in
the graduation the students each presented a rose to someone special in
their lives—nearly always mom and/or dad. It was such an emotional time. The
Holy Spirit came in such a beautiful way. The pastor interrupted the normal
program to have a special prayer time for parents with their children. The
gospel was clearly presented and we are convinced that some families met the
was able to attend the graduations in the David school for the first time.
We have five schools in the Chiriqui province, where the city of David is
located. Rod shared with graduates, parents and teachers from Psalm 1 about
how our children are trees to be nurtured. We lead them to the “streams of
water” (the Lord) to find God’s blessing. This is an ongoing process that
takes time. It’s best if we begin when the plants are young to help them
sink their roots deep.
The Las Mananitas 12th graduation was a perfect
illustration of this truth. This was Las Mananitas first 12th grade
graduation class. Thirteen years ago the school opened with kindergarten and
first grade. You may recall the story we have told about how we decided not
to go on with the 9th grade a few years ago. We learned many lessons from
that experience. One lesson was brought home at the graduation. The 12th
grade graduates were the kindergartners from that first year. The first
graders from that first year were the ones who were not able to go on to 9th
grade a few years ago.
were able to leave the painfulness of disappointing so many and arrive to
the crowning achievement of seeing 20 young people graduate from high
school! And 19 of the 20 were helped by a loving Sponsor in the United
States. Each sponsored child has a number. The number indicates the country,
the school and the child. Anthony Daley, 090300001, the very first child
sponsored at Las Mananitas some 13 years ago, graduated from high school. He
will be going on to study nautical engineering. He had the same sponsor for
all 13 years!
Concentrated Joy!… As we write these
words we are overwhelmed… with tears… tears of thanksgiving to God for the
privilege of being involved in such a strategic, life-changing ministry.
sponsor, thank you! If you’re not an LACC sponsor, we need you to be. We
have 240 children on our waiting list—most have been waiting since last
March—who desperately need a sponsor. Some may not be able to return to
school next year if they don’t get help immediately. Just $24 a month can
make a difference in the lives of children or youth like Anthony. If you’d
like to become a sponsor or sponsor an additional children, please visit the
page of Latin America ChildCare or call 1-800-289-7071. Thank you.