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Latin America Resource
and Training Center
Full Circle Missions
Good Shepherd High School
Visits Duima
By Agustin Mejia
Introduction by Rod Boyd
What is "full circle" missions? The missionary goal
is always to raise up a national church that is self-governing,
self-supporting and self-propagating. The circle is closed when the church
becomes a "sending" church as well. The Assemblies of God of Panama are on
the brink of truly closing the circle. Panama has few "foreign"
missionaries. However, God is calling many to missionary service. For many,
"foreign" service begins with cross cultural experience within the
country—to the various indigenous Indian tribes.
Last fall, the entire senior class from the El Buen Pastor High School in
Panama City, 41 in all, traveled to Duima, a community of Guaymi Indians,
located in the Chiriqui Province in northwest Panama. Duima is the site of
the soon to open Latin America ChildCare school. The vision for this school
began in the hearts of the leaders, teachers and students of our El Buen
Pastor schools. It is only natural that they would want to help. Their
missions trip was lead by vice-principal Agustin Mejia. What follows is his
report on their trip.
The Scriptures teach us that when we have a banquet, we
must call the poor who will not be able to repay us. However, we will be
blessed and will be repaid in the resurrection of the just (Luke 14:12-14).
I believe the school now has a part in this promise, and in God’s love we
are beginning to feel blessed.
arrived at the Bible school in San Felix at 5 am. After breakfast, we
traveled to the Pana-Cobre mine and had to find other transportation because
we could not travel further in the bus. We hired three 4-wheel drive
vehicles to transport us. We arrived at the feeding station along the dirt
road and organized ourselves. We began climbing towards Duima at 11 am. The
conditions were harsh, with mud and rain. Soon, the students, especially the
young ladies, became tired and felt like they were unable to continue. After
prayer we continued up the mountain, taking more frequent rest periods. The
final group arrived to Duima at 2:30 pm.
members of the congregation from the Divine Refuge Assembly of God in David
joined us. Aixa Serrano, director of the school in Doleguita is the
supervisor for this new school. The group from the church left after
dinner. Later we had a service where the Holy Spirit touched us.
Monday morning we began our work. The conditions were sub-human. There is no
drinking water available, electricity or bathrooms. We had to bring our own
water and improvise with the rest. We divided the large group into work
groups of five each. We had two principle construction projects: dig two
latrines—3 feet by 6 feet, 6 feet deep; level the floor of the classroom and
pour a concrete floor. Two groups of young ladies took charge of the meals.
Two groups worked with distributing the clothing and food brought for the
Guaymi. Each night we had services. Many Guaymi came. All were touched by
the glory of God.
The weather changed for the worse the second day. Many Guaymi came to the
site, without clothing and hungry. The students ministered to their needs.
The following day Guaymi leaders from the region came to investigate. We
were able to talk with them and explain to them about the coming school.
There was also opportunity to share Christ with many Guaymi. Opportunity was
given in the services for them to receive the Lord. Many accepted Christ as
personal Savior.
to the continued rain, we decided to leave in the morning on our last day.
Many Guaymi came to say good-bye. The Chief came and thanked the group for
their work during the week. As we left, he would not let a single member of
the group carry their packs. Instead, the Guaymi carried them for us. After
spending a day in David and Volcan, we arrived back to Panama City.
We didn’t accomplish all that we had planned. However, the Lord let us
accomplish other things that we hadn’t planned. More than 10 years ago, the
El Buen Pastor schools, missionary Alcides Barrera and missionaries Larry
and Dorothy Cederblom received the vision to start this school. However, it
wasn’t until this year, 1996, that with the help of missionaries Terry Bell,
Rod and Sherry Boyd, and a group of volunteers from the United States, we
were finally able to begin this project. Now, they have raised the banner of
this school.
The students were able to truly touch the Guaymi people, especially the
leaders. The students were touched as they gave. They realized, due to
the contrast of the lifestyles of the Guaymi Indians, just how rich they
were. Many expressed a desire to return to help these people.