Sumiton MAPS Team
Builds at Las Mananitas
By Rod and Sherry Boyd
enthusiastic volunteers from First Assembly of God in
Sumiton, Alabama, lead by Pastor Gary Craft, constructed two
new classrooms for the Las Mananitas High School. Their trip
got off to a rough start when their flight from Atlanta was
delayed due to fog on Friday. They missed their connecting
flight in Houston and ended up spending that night in Miami.
They arrived Saturday afternoon ready to start building.
Unfortunately, their luggage didn't arrive with them! This
didn't discourage them though.
After visiting four churches and touring
Panama, they started work early Monday morning. Their goal
was to finish the block walls in two classrooms. Half of the
group worked on the walls while the other half moved dirt to
fill the floor in the second classroom--very hard work
considering the high temperature and humidity.
worked shoulder to shoulder with Panamanian workers. They
took turns teaching one another different worship choruses.
The team was very excited to get their luggage which finally
arrived on Tuesday.
Christian love helped to break any
language or cultural barriers. There were many special times
of fellowship shared, especially at lunch and break times.
The team was treated to authentic Panamanian food for lunch
each day. When they finished their work on Thursday, they
were only a few dozen bricks shy of finishing both
lunch on Thursday the team spent time praying over every
classroom, praying for the students and teachers. Some of
the Panamanian workers joined for this prayer time. Thursday
night was a farewell service for the team at the Las
Mananitas Assembly of God. Pastor Samuel Rangel, who is also
the General Director of the Las Mananitas Christian School,
gave each team member a gift and each one was able to share
about his experience. Pastor Gary Craft preached a powerful
message from 1 Peter 2 on the importance of laying a good
foundation. An extended time of prayer at the altar
followed. Then came the sad time of having to say good-bye.
God had touched many Panamanians... and the team from
YOU Pastor Gary, Sister Huett, Shelly, Clyde, Buddy, Dennis
and Chris for your hard work. Thank you Sumiton First
Assembly for the hard work and sacrifice to provide the
building materials for your team. Thanks to your hard work,
we are that much closer to having the three new classrooms
we must have before school starts so that we can add the
10th grade and a second 7th grade class.
We are scheduled to have another MAPS
team arrive in mid-February who will build the third
classroom. However, we will still be short of the funds
needed to finish these classrooms. Please pray with us that
God will provide. If you'd like to help, you can send your
offering to:
of Foreign Missions
Project 7794: Las Mananitas High School
1445 Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802
Also, please pray with us that additional
MAPS groups will respond to our plea for this project. We
will need to build an additional three classrooms before
March 1999.
