Portland Christian
Center Photo Journal
Photos and video of the Portland
Christian Center construction team working at the Jehovah
Jireh Good Shepherd School in Pedregal (Panama City),
Panama. The journal begins at the bottom of the page with
the first day of construction on Monday, Nov. 3rd and
chronicles each work day... and the weekend activities in
DAY 10--Last day and last block in the
tall, end wall. More blocking above bond beams. Blocking bathroom on 3rd
floor. Cute kids. Nick the "rock star." Recognition and saying goodbye to
the Panamanian crew. Mission accomplished. The team. David speaks for the
team at the farewell service. Recognition and prayer for the team.
Nov. 15, 2008

DAY 9--Up to the peak on the tall front
wall. Continued blocking on the stairwell. Bond beam work continues. Nick
and Lindsay are a hit with candy for the kids and youth. Dinner at the Boyds.

DAY 8--It's chapel day with about 300 kindergarten
through sixth graders at the Jireh school. The kids shared a couple of
typical Panamanian dances. Team members were presented with a gift and
Pastor Johnny Saucedo prayed over the group. Lindsay shares a
devotional with the kids... in Spanish! (Great job!) Lunch with
the team. Bathroom blocking continues. Arlen finishes the
stairwell wall up to bond beam height. Blocking over the bond beam on
the front wall begins. Bond beam work continues.

DAY 7--Arlen and Sherry begin the "high
adventure" (safe, of course) of blocking the stairwell! Bond beam goes up on
the front wall. Parade of scaffolding and welding bond beams and blocking
above. A taste of Panama at Las Tinajas... and a cultural dance show... just
ask Arlen about it.

DAY 6--Mostly a sunny day (see the
rainbow?) helps the crew tackle the long front wall and bring it up to bond
beam height in one day! Blocking bathrooms... a man's version of "patch-work
quilting." Another day pouring bond beams. "Pulley duty." The "jefe" (boss)
holding up the wall?

WEEKEND--Saturday tour included a trip
to Colon on the Atlantic side (see team photo) and the Panama Canal Visitor
Center at Miraflores Locks. Is that an actual service tunnel? Sunday was
"memories" day. The team returned to the Santa Librada church and school,
where the Portland team first worked in 2000 and 2001.

DAY 5--Four classrooms blocked complete
to the bond-beam. Nate and Arlen "keep going" in the restrooms. Blocking
started above the bond-beam; continues to roof line. "Reunited"... Jim
arrived today.

DAY 4--Second set of bond beams poured.
Faithful blockers tackle heights and the "jig saw" bathroom; enjoying the
view from the 4th story! Peanut butter, jelly and... chicken feet? The
famous "no light" traffic light or "learning how to drive in Panama."

DAY 3--First bond beams on long wall poured.
Blocking progresses. "Block Ingenuity."
"Block Ingenuity"
video... So how do you get 5,000 30lb blocks up the the fourth floor?

DAY 2--Block on first long outside wall
reaches bond beam level. Blocking begins on second long outside wall. Joyce
and crew outfit kitchen and dining facilities. "Who's the leader of the...

DAY 1--Blocking begins on the fourth and final
story of the school.
greeting from Pastor Bob Ward

Nov. 1, 2008
