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Latin America Resource
and Training Center
Chepo Good Shepherd
By Rod and Sherry Boyd
We remember when Pastor
Salomon Sampson came by our offices a few years ago
to talk with us about his vision to open a school in
Chepo. Chepo is a city of 25,000 located about an
hour east of Panama City, along the Pan-American
Highway. Pastor Salomon and Coralia have been
pastoring Centro de Vida Cristiana (Christian Life
Center) in Chepo for 25 years. This long-tenured
pastor has seen how a church school can be an
effective outreach into the community. But he needed
help to turn his vision into reality.
The school opened in 2008 with 56 pre-kindergarten,
kindergarten and first grade students in crowded
church facilities. The school now has 153 students
through 4th grade. Construction began two years ago
on the new school, a three-story building that will
include 12 classrooms, offices and library. When
completed the school will offer through 9th grade
and have a capacity of more than 400!
In 2009, a building team led by Missionary Nelson
Lugo completed the first classroom and half of
another. The church completed the second classroom
in time for the 2010 school year. The church built
the third classroom in time for the new school year
that began the end of February 2011. To date,
two MAPS teams have continued the construction.
First Assembly of
God, St. Charles, MO
sent a large team of 40 to minister on three fronts.
The construction team worked to fill and level the
floor and block two classrooms, then to form and
pour the intermediate columns and large support
beams that support the second-story floor. They also
worked on the foundation of the stair/restroom area.
Bethany Assembly of
God, Agawam, MA spent
seven days continuing construction on the Chepo Good
Shepherd School. This is Bethany’s third trip to
Panama. Ken Bryars, music pastor at Bethany, led two
previous teams, working at the Canaan School in 2000
and at the Las Mananitas School in 2002. The team
visited both of these schools on our tour day and
was able to see the return on investment of their
earlier construction. The Canaan School has grown
from 350 in 2000 to nearly 900 today; and the Las
Mananitas School has grown from about 550 in 2002 to
over 775 students today. The Bethany team focused on
blocking walls for two new second floor classrooms
and blocking and building support beams in the first
floor stair/restroom area.
Fourth Classroom
Completed... The church
and school completed the fourth classroom, which is
the first of the two rooms on the lower level.
The third grade class that was next door moved into
the new room. Their previous classroom has
become the computer lab for the school. Little
Davey brought another team to Panama in May and
installed 12 new computers!
Construction was delayed for several months because
of a property line dispute. The school has now
received permission to continue. They have now completed
about two-thirds of the flooring structure are are
working on the final third near the stairwell and restrooms at
the end of the building.
Please pray for
continued construction.
Pray that additional teams will come to complete the
third floor that includes the roof and blocking the
classroom, library and restroom walls. Pray for needed funds to complete
construction. If you would like to give to
the Chepo School Project, please send your offering
Assemblies of God World Missions
Chepo School Project 14456
1445 Boonville Ave
Springfield, MO 658022 |
St. Charles MAPS Team
in Chepo (3/2011)
Agawam Continues
at Chepo School (5/2011)
