A Miracle Opportunity
for the
Latin America Resource and Training Center!
Rod and Sherry Boyd
Please take two minutes
to watch the
September LARTC
Construction Update Video.
For the last few months we’ve shared that we need an
additional $75,000 to 100,000 to complete Phase One of the building.
We are happy to announce that we’ve been
presented with a MIRACLE OPPORTUNITY... A Christian foundation is offering a
$50,000 matching donation! We have until the end of the year to raise
$50,000 to secure this gift. So far, we’ve received $8,000 in special
donations towards this goal.
Please pray with us that these funds will be given by the
end of the year. If you are able to help, please send your offerings to:
Assemblies of God World Missions
Latin America Resource & Training Center - Project 14295
1445 Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802
Phase One Building Nearing Completion
In July and August we invested $25,000 to pour the floor,
build the stairwell enclosure and block the final wall on the first story. We also built the first half of
the stairwell.
In September we will invest approximately $10,000 in finishing the block
work, electrical conduit and plumbing on the second story. We have also
decided to go forward with the $25,000 investment to run the heavy
electrical cable from the street, purchase and install the transformer and
main panel for the building.
October, work will include:
We believe God will help us to finish the Phase One
building by January 2017. We will certainly need His help... and the help of
many partners like you! Please visit
www.lartc.net for more information and
Thank you for praying for us and for your faithful financial support. We
can’t imagine doing what we do without you! Thank you!
