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Latin America Resource
and Training Center
Portland Team Returns
to Build Church
By Rod and Sherry Boyd
months ago we had a great construction team from Portland
Christian Center in Oregon. They built 3 classrooms and a
teacher’s room, poured the second-story floor, and laid the
banister block at the Canaan El Buen Pastor School in Santa
Librada. They also spent two days at another school laying
about half of the block for two classrooms. They also
attended services at the church, which is located about a
mile away. Afterwards, they asked about the land across the
street from the school. This old lumberyard was in the
process of closing. The Lord began to speak to the group.
They challenged Pastor Julio and the congregation: “If you
buy the land across the street, we’ll build you a church.”
arrived on March 17th this year to do just that! We had 16
the first week. Two left and 13 more joined us for the
second week, including Pastors Bill and Joy Wilson. Most had
been with us last year. They were surprised at the progress
this school had made. After they left last year, the team
from Agawam MA finished the chapel on the second story,
poured the third story floor, built the stairwell and two
restrooms. This year the school divided the chapel into
three classrooms, put a roof on the third story, built a
large kindergarten classroom and play area, continued the
stairwell and finished the restrooms.
year the school has more than 400 students. The principal of
the school, Ana Taju, had thought about using the third
story for a chapel. But it would be too small. Our intention
was to build the church sanctuary large enough to
accommodate all of the children in the school.
As Julio was designing the new sanctuary,
he started with a smaller building. But the Lord spoke to
him to make it larger. The sanctuary would be an 80-foot by
90-foot hexagonal building. The group was overwhelmed by
Pastor Julio’s faith, but they were up to the challenge.
team started strong, laying more than 400 block the first
day. The work became more difficult as the 17-foot walls
climbed. Block work on the sanctuary had to be suspended the
second Monday due to the raising of the five trusses by the
boom truck. The team moved to the third story of the
school and laid six courses of block, making the space safe
and useable by the school. The third story will be converted
into classrooms next year.
team worked long hours to lay block and pour the two bond
beams on each wall—one at 9 feet and the other at 16 feet.
The group watched the progress of the roof as the pearlings
were welded. The group finished the two sidewalls and the
back wall. They were tired but didn’t want to stop that last
day. They completed about 75% of the front wall including a
six-foot square glass block window—a beautiful signature to
the group’s work.
team met with all the children of the school in an assembly
the second to last day of work. It was an opportunity for
the team to see how many children are being touched by the
ministry of the school. Different members of the team were
able to share their testimonies. Laura, who teaches Spanish
in public school, taught the children a couple of new songs.
Pastor Bill had a devotional for the kids. Mostly, the team
was ministered to by the worship of the children and staff.
church and school held a banquet in our honor the last
night. Afterward, we had the farewell and dedication
service. It was an emotional service. Pastor Bill shared
about the essentials of a good church. The Panamanians who
were leading the service all talked about the miracle that
had taken place. God had blessed us with two great weeks of
work. The Panamanians, all volunteer for this project, had
worked side by side with the Portland team. Good-byes are
always difficult. But this one seemed extra special. One
Panamanian brother came up to us and embraced us and just
cried. About 15 minutes later we saw him again. He started
to cry again. He said, “I just didn’t think it would ever
Thank you, Portland Christian Center for
blessing us. Thank you Pastors Bill and Joy for sending us
the team and coming to be a part of it. Thank you David
Martin for your excellent leadership. And to each
member—Debbie, Vic, Kevin, Jack, Sherry, Don, Alex, Jim,
Nate, Joyce, Don, Norma, Ken, David, Randy, Lynne, Sherry,
George, Shelby, Ole, Sandy, Laura, Jillian, Michael, Mike,
and Trish—we pray God’s richest blessing on you. We also
want to say a special congratulations to Michael and Laura
who became engaged during the trip! Come back soon!

