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Latin America Resource
and Training Center
Country of Panama
Bridge of the Word... Heart of the
People and Culture
Government and
Panama Canal
Area: 30,193 square miles
Highest point: 11,468 feet, Cerro Volcán
Coastline: 1,786 miles
Climate... Tropical- average humidity 78%, high 98%
The Rocky Mountain and Sierra ranges, which begin in
Canada, end in Panama
Time Zone... Panama is in the eastern time zone. The
country does not observe daylight savings, therefor it is always eastern
standard time.
Over 50% of Panama's land mass is forest and
woodland--tropical, of course! Only 6% is used for agriculture.
Animals native to Panama include: puma, armadillo,
ocelot, anteater, spider monkey, sloth, and deer. Reptiles and birds are
People and Culture
Population... 2004: 3,300,000... 1995: 2,659,000...
1990: 2,418,000
Nearly 40% of the population of Panama lives in the
metropolitan area surrounding the capital, Panama City.
The following are comparisons between Panama and the
Population Growth: 1.9% (P) to 0.8% (US)
Doubling Time: 37 years (P) to 89 years (US)
Urban Population: 53% (P) to 75% (US)
Fertility Rate: 2.9 (P) to 2.0 (US)..... # of
children per woman
Under Age 15: 35% (P) to 22% (US)
Over Age 65: 5% (P) to 13% (US)
Marriages (p/1,000): 5.2 (P) to 9.7 (US)
Divorces (p/1,000): 0.66 (P) to 4.8 (US)
Literacy: 88% to 97%
Major evangelical groups. Above are the top five
evangelical groups at the end of 1990 (from Operation World, STL Press,
England, 1993).
Religious orientation... Roman Catholic, 72.5%;
Protestant, 16.7%; Muslim, 4.5%; Others, 6.3%.
Bible Schools...
The Assemblies of God has 13 Bible schools and two
satellites with a combined enrollment of 450 students.
The majority of the students attend classes three
evenings a week. A smaller number attend classes on Saturday, or
Friday evening and Saturday. Most students work full-time. There are
no dorms.
The school year runs March through December—two 16
week semesters. Classes are two hours long.
The Bible Institute course of study consists of 50
classes, typically taken over a four year period.
Government and
The word "panama" comes from a word used by the
village fisherman to explain the abundance of fish and seafood in the
bay. Another theory suggests that when the Spaniards first landed on the
north coast asking for gold and riches, the natives responded
"pana-mai", which meant "far away" as in "go far away."
Currency... The Balboa, which is divided into 100
centésimos, is the basic monetary unit. One Balboa equals one US Dollar.
US paper money is the only paper currency used. the government mints
their own coins in the same size and denomination as US coins, which are
also accepted.
Income per person is $1,780 which represents about
8.1% of the US rate.
Unemployment rate is about 25%.
Trade... The US receives more than 60% of Panama's
exports. In the late 1980's Panama's exports earned $2.7 billion, and
its imports cost $3.2 billion.
Chief industries include: oil refining, international
Chief crops include: bananas, pineapples, cocoa,
corn, coconuts and sugar.
Chief mineral is copper.
Other resources: forests (mahogany), shrimp, fish
The value of Panama's catch of fish exceeds the
combined fishing total in the economy of its neighbors; nearly a fifth
of Panama's foreign income is earned from the sale of shrimp and fish