LARTC Phase 1 Building
Dedication and Next Steps
Rod and Sherry Boyd
Watch our video report also at
LARTC Update

9th... a very emotional day. We just concluded the 2017
International Educational Leaders Dialogue at a hotel in Panama
City. There were 35 leaders from 15 countries - National Christian
Education Directors, Superintendents, our international ministries directors
and our staff. The first two days were spent listening to reports from
the different countries and evaluating our overall training program.
March 9th was our business meeting with these leaders, our opportunity to
share with these leaders our plans and activities to strengthen the Bible
Schools in the Spanish-speaking Latin American and Caribbean countries.
We then loaded into different vehicles to drive to the Latin America
Resource & Training Center. We moved our offices to the new facility
just two weeks earlier.
We believed it was important to include these members of
the international team in the dedication of the Phase 1 building. When
we arrived, our Panamanian executive leaders and presbyters were already
there, as were most of our Panamanian missionary family. After sharing
a brief presentation about our vision for the facilities, we "cut the cake",
enjoyed a time of fellowship and gave informal tours of the new building.
We then gathered at the back of the building, the double doors that will
connect it to the Phase 3 Atrium building. Lowell David,
Superintendent for Panama and Ricardo Giron, National Secretary and Director
of Christian Education, lead us in the ribbon-cutting ceremony and prayer.
The national church in Panama designated the land for
construction of the LARTC. The church has such a heart for the world.
In fact, the national motto is Pro Mundi Beneficio - for the benefit of
the world. The LARTC, in part, fulfills God's prophetic call that
Panama's church will bless the world! We see it in exactly the same
A Dream Come True
had given us this vision so many years ago... to establish a resource and
training center, a hub to facilitate enabling leaders, to train teachers and
to develop and provide resources. Our previous facility limited our
ability to serve in these ways. Our new facility, when all building
phases are completed, will provide a complete hub Pro Mundi Beneficio.
Our dream was never limited to serve just our ministries. It was a
"Field of Dreams" project from the very beginning. Other "affiliate"
ministries will have space available to them in these facilities.
Stepping Out (and In) in Faith
Recently, we've shared the story of the priests crossing
the Jordan River from Joshua 3. In verse 6, Joshua told the priests, "Lift
up the Ark of the Covenant and lead the people across the river."
The Lord had spoken to Joshua that the waters would be stopped when the
priests entered the water. And it happened just that way. In
fact, reminiscent of the crossing of the Red Sea, verse 17 states that "the
priests that were carrying the Ark of the Lord's Covenant stood on dry
ground in the middle of the riverbed as the people passed by. They
waited there until the whole nation of Israel had crossed the Jordan on
dry ground."
From the perspective of the priests, the 200-600 pound
Ark of the Covenant would function very well as an anchor to drown the four
priests carrying it if God didn't come through. As with those priests,
we also feel that obedience is what moves us from fear to faith.
Recently, it seems that every construction step we take is like those
priests stepping into the water. But God has been so faithful each
time to stop the waters. We covet your prayers!
Five Building Phases for the LARTC

Our Next "River Jordan"
We're finishing our first week with Portland Christian
Center. We'll have a report on this wonderful team in the next few
weeks. It looks like the team will complete more than half of the
first floor of the Phase 2 building. Our next River Jordan to cross is
completing all finish work before the end of July. We will be hosting
and housing 40 pastors and leaders for advanced studies.
We need approximately $100,000 to complete the 10 first-story
guestrooms: blocking, stucco, concrete floor, floor
tile, electrical, plumbing and fixtures, windows, doors, air conditioning,
water heaters, etc.
Please help us! You can use this
direct link
to access the project's secure A/G giving page. Or you can mail your
check to:
Assemblies of God World Missions
LARTC Project 14925
1445 Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802
We've reproduced parts of this article in a video report
that you may enjoy:
LARTC Update