Five Graduate from
Kuna Bible School
By Rod Bod
was a dream come true! Five Kuna Indians received the
pre-ministerial degree from the Kuna Bible School at a
ceremony held on the Island of Nargana the first week of
July. The General Council requires this degree for all
licensed ministers. The Bible school opened in May 1997 and
has offered one class each month during the school year,
which runs from March through November. Each earned the
required 54 credits for the degree and are now eligible to
go on for their ministerial degree that qualifies them for
ordination. Ten others received the pre-institute
A special dinner was held for those attending the
service, including 20 from the nearby island of Rio Tigre. The service had
an impact on this community as many non-believers attending and heard the
gospel. Others listened at the windows and doorways.
After the dinner we took four of the five graduates on a
“graduation” trip to a nearby-uninhabited island—one of their favorite
“picnic” spots. We harvested a few green coconuts called “pipa.” The rich
liquid inside is a special treat.
Benigno Gonzalez and his wife Enelis were two of the five graduates. They
pastor on the Island of Nargana. The community leaders or chiefs—called the
“Sahila”—closed the Assembly of God church on the island almost one year ago
as a result of a violation of Kuna tradition by a new believer in the church
(see When Church Collides with Culture). The
church has had to meet in small groups and hold services on the neighbor
island “Corazon de Jesus” (Heart of Jesus), connected by a bridge.
delegation was able to meet with the three Sahila from Nargana and two from
Corazon both before and after the graduation service. All five leaders
attended the ceremony and a special dinner following. We preached a clear
salvation message and were able to explain once again that the church is a
benefit to the community. They were very receptive and have promised to
represent the church at the Kuna General Assembly that will begin on July
28th. All 48 Kuna villages will be represented at this meeting.
Please join us in praying for the Kuna Bible School. Pray
for the five graduates as they continue their studies. The next level of the
program is much more difficult and will require some travel to Panama City.
Pray for the other 12 students in the pre-ministerial program. Pray for
Pastor Benigno and the church on Nargana. Pray that the General Assembly
meeting the end of this month will reopen the church on Nargana.