Portland Christian
Center Builds at Canaan
By Rod and Sherry Boyd
men and women joined a split squad from Portland (OR)
Christian Center to build classrooms at Canaan Good Shepherd
School. Classrooms are desperately needed to keep up with
this schools accelerated growth. The Portland team is the
most experience construction team we’ve ever worked with.
They are good… and fast.
Julio Jaramillo did a good job of making sure preliminary foundation and
column work was finished before the team arrived. Team leader David Martin
noted that they were able to accomplish more the first day of work here than
on any other project they’ve had. By the end of the first week the team had
finished blocking three classrooms, a small teacher’s room and had poured
the second story floor! The first week concluded with a farewell service for
the seven leaving. It was a beautiful service. The members of the group that
were leaving were honored with a gift from the church and school.
The small church was filled beyond capacity. The ch urch
is located about a half-mile from the school on a postage stamp lot. There
is no parking. The church has been praying about how to accommodate growth.
A building supply company across the street from the school closed recently
and the property is for sale. The church has been praying for a miracle. In
a step of faith, the team announced that if the church bought the property
the team would return to build a church! More on that later.
picked up three new team members after the service, arriving for the second
week of work. The combined team enjoyed a fun weekend of touring and
shopping. After we dropped off the seven leaving, the second week crew moved
to another school for two days. The Jireh Good Shepherd School started the
same year as Canaan. If has seen steady growth each year. The school stepped
out in faith for two new classrooms this year. In just two days, the
Portland team worked to complete about 75% of the blocking work. This push
made the difference for this school. With school starting in less then a
week, this team’s work help the school finish the rooms in time for classes.
team returned to Canaan for three more days of work. They finished an outer
passageway half-height wall around half of second story and began blocking
the stairwell. They also helped prepare the way for the Bethany team by
laying the first course for the walls of the second-story chapel. A second
farewell service was held at the school the last Friday night. Pastor Julio
presented David and Pastor Ray with a plaque of appreciation, and then each
team member with a gift. The team presented the ladies from the kitchen and
the workers with gifts and tools, including quilts made by the ladies of
Portland CC. At the end of the service we had a special time of prayer to
dedicate the new classrooms. It was an emotional time for all of us.
you, Pastor Bill Wilson, team leader David Martin, Pastor Ray, Nate, Joyce,
Randy, Lynne, George, Shelby, Mike, Carrie, Don, Vic, Ken, Sherry and Jim.
You blessed Canaan and you blessed us!
David wrote recently and has tentatively scheduled a team
for the last two weeks of March 2001 to build the church across the street.
Negotiations are taking place and we hope to have the property purchased
within the next few months. We look forward to having this team back to
build this church. In the meantime, please continue to pray for Pastor
Julio, Director Ana and the teachers and children of the Canaan School.
