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Latin America Resource
and Training Center
Training the
Trainers... Focus Peru
By Rod and Sherry Boyd
A year ago we gave a progress report (see
Training the Trainers, July 2011) on
PROCEPA—a teacher training and
certification program for professors in Bible
schools in Spanish-speaking countries of Latin
America and the Caribbean. At that time we had 1,489
professors enrolled in the program. We are happy
to report that there are now 1,998!
We’ve had three PROCEPA events since then. Last
November we had 60 teachers attend a two-day
national seminar in Managua, Nicaragua. In April we
reported on the 401 that attended the international
Educators Summit in San Jose, Costa Rica (see
2012 Educators Summit: Teaching with IMPACT,
May 2012). And just last month we had 174 teachers
attend a two-day national seminar in Lima, Peru!
We made the strategic decision several months ago to
conduct the southern version of the 2012
International Educators Summit in Peru.
That event is coming up September 10-13. Our goal is
to have 350 leaders and teachers attend from the
nine of the South American Spanish-speaking
countries: Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru,
Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile and Argentina. We
will be offering all 15 of the PROCEPA basic level
workshops at the Peru Summit. We met with the
National Executive Leaders and the Local Summit
Committee the day before the PROCEPA seminar to
continue the organization of the Summit. Conducting
a Summit requires that the host country have a
strong commitment and that a local committee work
hard before and during the event.
Since Peru is a new participant in the international
education program, it was important to offer a
national PROCEPA seminar before the international
summit in September in order to give as many
teachers as possible a head start. Professors are
required to complete 10 of the 15 basic level
workshops to earn their certification. Even though
170 of the 174 that attended the seminar last month
were brand new to PROCEPA, by taking the six
workshops offered they will now be able to complete
their certification at the Educators Summit in
The number of professors that achieved their
certification grew from 14 the end of 2011 to 97
after the Summit in Costa Rica. We are expecting
this number to double after the Summit in Peru in
Why is certification so important? We have now
conducted 12 International Summits since 1996. We
ask participants to complete an evaluation of the
event and to share their opinions on the needs in
the Bible schools. In the every single event,
teacher training always is the number one need! In
addition, international recognition is very
important in these countries. Each person who
attends a PROCEPA workshop receives a certificate
and a gold foil seal for each workshop they
We work very hard at each PROCEPA event to add new
teachers to the PROCEPA database, enter their
attendance after each workshop, print certificates
for new teachers and apply the gold foil seals to
their certificate (or put them in an envelope for
those that already have their certificate. This is
very time consuming, but very important. We have a
ceremony at the end, calling out each name and
personally handing them out one by one.
We are looking forward to crossing the 2,000 mark at
the Summit. But considering that there are more than
5,000 professors teaching in more than 1,000 Bible
schools, seminaries, extension and training centers,
our work is far from over. In addition, we will
begin the first cycle of renovation workshops. In
order to maintain certification, teachers must take
six workshops every two years. The first cycle will
be 2013-2014.
Please join us in praying for the upcoming Summit in
Lima, Peru, September 10-13. Pray that God will
provide for all that want to attend. Pray for the 50
speakers and assistants that will be teaching 10
general sessions and 30 different workshops. Pray
that God will honor our plans and that we will
accomplish the Summit theme: Teach with
