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Latin America Resource
and Training Center
2015 Little Davey
Blesses Guatemalan Schools
By Rod and Sherry Boyd

We were privileged to join the 2015 Little Davey Project
team in Guatemala in July. The team of eight was led by Little Davey founder
David Kaiser. Their mission was
assemble 75 computers and distribute them to six schools over four days.
Missionaries Daren and Heidi Walker, Latin America Childcare Coordinators
for Guatemala, not only hosted us, but took care of every detail to ensure
that everything was ready to build the computers and later install the
computer labs in the schools.
Daren and Heidi purchased the larger components (case,
monitor, keyboard, mouse and UPS) in country. We arrived on Wednesday to
finalize preparations. Because of a problem with the equipment supplier, we
weren’t able to get a system board in advance to be able to put a system
together and install Windows and Office with all updates.
team arrived on Friday with system boards, memory and hard drives in their
carry-on luggage. Friday night was a short night was we put together a
system and prepared the master disk. We spent Saturday building computers
and network cables. Because of the late start on imaging hard drives, we
weren’t able to finish on Saturday. But after church and lunch, we worked
two hours on Sunday afternoon to finish assembling computers and preparing
each school’s “stack” of boxes.
Schools visits were planned for Monday through Thursday
to deliver the 75 new computers and set up the new computer labs:
Monday we set up computer labs in two LACC schools in Guatemala City,
each receiving 14 computers. Both schools had prepared a special welcome
that included an assembly of students with songs, drums and xylophones
and dance, some dressed in typical Guatemalan costume. The schools gave
each team member a small gift.
On Tuesday we visited two LACC schools in Palin,
Escuintia and Guazacapan, Santa Rosa, located about two hours south of
Guatemala City. Each of these schools also received 14 computers.
Wednesday we visited the LACC school in Teculutan, Zacapa, located about
2-1/2 hours northeast of Guatemala City. All of the students we on the
street outside of the school, waving American flags as we drove up. We
were impressed to see the hard work of this smaller school to build and
condition the new computer room. This school received 12 computers.
On Thursday we traveled just 10 minutes from the
hotel to the school that represented the greatest need and sacrifice.
This LACC school is built on the bank of a ravine, under one of the
busiest bridges in Guatemala City. This small school received 7
computers. We’ll share more about this special school in moment.

At each school, after the school’s welcome, team members
and children helped carry computer boxes into the bare computer rooms. We
usually spent about an hour unpacking and setting up computer cases,
monitors, keyboards and mice. Then part of the team would visit classrooms
for a short English and Culture lesson, hug kids and pass out candy. The
rest of the team stayed behind to run network cables and test the computers.
We then invited children into the lab to sit at the computers. David Kaiser
shared a few words with the children, pastor, school director and computer
teacher and then lead a prayer of dedication for the new lab. The director
was then presented with a bag of soccer balls for the school.
There are always things that make each year special for
Little Dave Project teams. We were struck by the diversity of people and
need. The highlight this year was visiting the
Royal Garden School on
Thursday. Pastor Luis started the church 10 years ago in a small building
under one of the busiest bridges located on the steep bank of a deep ravine.
There are hundreds of shacks that line the banks of the ravine, home to
thousands of Guatemala’s poorest. Many of these forgotten Guatemalan
children didn’t go to school. Pastor Luis started the “Under the Bridge”
school seven years ago. It was closed for a couple of years because of lack
of permits and permissions. Daren and Heidi worked with Pastor Luis to
reopen the school last year. The school currently ministers to 43 children,
but this number will grow.
 The seven brand new computers at this humble school
clearly make a statement. These kids matter! Our prayer is that Pastor Luis
and the teachers will use these tools to help these kids out of the ravine!
We were reminded once again of the importance of
visionary and passionate leadership. Pastor Luis wasn’t at the school when
we arrived. He was finishing classes at the Bible school and would arrive
shortly. He shared with me that he is in the second semester of his second
year of study. His wife is in her first semester. We are so grateful that in
some small way we are helping to raise up leaders like Luis and his wife so
that God will use them to reach a world that is lost and without hope.
This was the 10th Little Davey Project team. Since 2005,
Little Davey Project has equipped computer labs in six countries with 660
computers! Little Davey Project is committed to facilitating the best
technology to give even the poorest the opportunity to become all that God
would have them to be. Thank you David and Deborah for your vision. And
thank you 2015 Little Davey Project Team – David, Dave, Linda, Karen, Jan,
Sue, Bob and Suzi – for blessing the schools and children of Guatemala. We
look forward to seeing all of you on the 11th Little Davey Project team in