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Latin America Christian Education Committee Approves
New Bible School Curriculum Plan

By Rod and Sherry Boyd

Thank you for praying! The last two years we have asked you to pray for the work of the Bible School Curriculum Review Commission. Now, after three years of extensive work, the Latin America Christian Education Committee approved the plan as presented! The program, called the Basic Plan, is used by more than 400 Bible institutes, extensions and study centers in 19 Spanish-speaking countries throughout Latin America.

Latin America Christian Education Committee

The new curriculum plan adds two additional levels to the traditional 96 credit ministerial level. The workers level (64 credits) was added in recognition of the growing number of lay workers now attending Bible school. The specialization level (128 credits) was added to provide more specialized training in areas such as pastoral ministries, Christian education, missions and youth ministries. In addition, significant changes were made in the Bible and theology areas to provide for a more complete and logical study of the scriptures. Many hours were spent compiling the 250-page course catalogue that includes 80 courses with a total of more than 3,300 books in the combined bibliography!

The Committee met the second week of September at the Lakeview Conference Center (owned by the North Texas District) in Waxahachie, TX. There were 43 delegates that attended from 17 different countries that included 14 general superintendents, national Christian education directors, other executives and international educational ministry leaders. Several missionaries attended, many of whom serve in international ministries or by invitation because of their involvement with the curriculum revision. Because of the extensiveness of the proposed changes in the curriculum plan, Rod presented a lengthy rationale and outline that took up most of the second day of meetings.

We were privileged to serve as co-hosts of the meeting, assisting with the coordination of registration, transportation and housing, as well as putting together the meeting notebook and electronic materials. The meeting is conducted every three years, and rotates among different countries in Latin America. Business includes review of the education program levels (local church, Bible school and masters level) and international ministries that administer or assist these programs.

Rod was elected to serve a three-year term as chairman of the Committee and of the 15-member administrative commission that meets annually.

Why do we do it, you ask? We have learned that the Latin America Christian Education Committee is the single most influential group affecting ministerial training in Spanish-speaking Latin America. Since God has called us to raise up Christian leaders in Panama and throughout Latin America, it makes sense to invest ourselves in national leaders who make it happen in their respective countries!

Please pray with us as we begin the process of implementing the new curriculum plan in the Bible schools throughout Latin America. Also please pray for us as we assume leadership of educational ministries for the Spanish-speaking Latin America and Caribbean countries.