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Latin America Resource
and Training Center
St. Charles MAPS Team
Ministers in Chepo
By Rod and Sherry Boyd
Thank you First Assembly of God St. Charles, Missouri! Your
MAPS team was an answer to prayer to a visionary pastor and
congregation in Chepo, Panama. We remember when Pastor
Salomon Sampson came by our offices a few years ago to talk
with us about his vision to open a school in Chepo. Chepo
with a population of about 25,000 is located about an hour
east of Panama City, along the Pan-American Highway. Pastor
Salomon and Coralia have been pastoring Centro de Vida
Cristiana (Christian Life Center) in Chepo for 25 years.
This long-tenured pastor has seen how a church school can be
an effective outreach into the community. But he needed help
to turn his vision into reality.
The school opened in 2008 with 56 pre-kindergarten,
kindergarten and first grade students in crowded church
facilities. The school now has 150 students through 4th
grade. Two years ago, construction began on the new school—a
three-story building that will include 12 classrooms,
offices and library. A building team led by Missionary
Nelson Lugo completed one classroom and half of another. The
church completed the second classroom in time for classes
last year. And in the last six months we’ve helped the
church complete the third classroom in time for this school
The large team of 40 ministered on three fronts. The
construction team worked to fill and level the floor and
block two classrooms, then to form and pour the intermediate
columns and large support beams that support the
second-story floor. They also worked on the foundation of
the stair/restroom area. The medical team, led by two
doctors and three nurses, attended more than 800 people
during the week. They visited several shut-ins in their
homes. The children’s outreach team conducted a Vacation
Bible School in the afternoons, ministering to more than 100
children during the week. We are grateful to fellow Panama
missionaries Chad and Amber Burgbacher who coordinated the
medical and children’s outreach teams.
Dozens of church members and school staff worked
side-by-side with the team during. Ministry and logistics
required help and coordination in several areas: kitchen,
office, construction, medical and VBS. Team leader Dave
Bundy effectively fostered a spirit of service within the
team that resulted in strong bonds between team and church
members. Hugs and tears in the concluding service evidenced
the depth of these connections.
Thank you St. Charles MAPS team for leaving a legacy of
ministry and facilities. The Chepo Good Shepherd School is
our featured project for 2011-12. The school will have a
capacity of more than 300 students when finished. The next
team arrives the end of April to continue school
construction. A small crew from the church will continue
construction to prepare for the next group. Please pray for
the continued construction; that all needed funds are given
and necessary work is completed before the next team
arrives. If you would like to give to the Chepo School
Project, please send your offering to:
Assemblies of God World Missions
Chepo School Project 14456
1445 Boonville Ave
pringfield, MO 658022
Or you can visit the Assemblies of God secure website and
give by credit card to our account 239271, with Project
14456 in the comments box.Or you can visit the Assemblies of God secure website and
give by credit card to our account 239271, with Project
14456 in the comments box.Or you can visit the Assemblies of God secure website and
give by credit card to our account 239271, with Project
14456 in the comments box.and
give by credit card to our account 239271, with Project
14456 in the comments box. |

