Primary LARTC construction is now 98% complete,
and SO CLOSE to finishing! We are so
grateful for generous friends and ministries
that have continued to support LARTC
construction, even during these difficult
months. The generous offerings received and
amazing progress are nothing short of a miracle.
We restarted construction in July 2020 after
suspending construction due to Covid in March
2020. By November, covid restrictions eased and
exterior construction began. Following are the
projects that have been completed, expense and
Training Addition
first-floor construction
Completed interior walls,
electrical, lighting, suspended ceiling,
doors and painting… everything except for
the purchase and installation of air
Jul-20 through Oct-20
Perimeter security
Parking lot and road
Training Addition air
conditioning and remodel
Moved large A/C unit from
phase 1 large classroom to new large
classroom in the phase 4 training addition;
divided phase 1 large classroom into two
1,000 square foot classroom; purchase and
install three new A/C units in the two
divided classrooms and the new medium-sized
classroom in the phase 4 training addition.
Primary retaining
façade/soffits, wall detailing and final paint
Paint visible section
of security wall
We’re asking for your help
one last time. We believe that we can finish all
construction by this fall! Please join us in
praying in the remaining $80,000… $40,000 for
the remaining building façade/soffit, finishing
work, paint and secondary retaining walls, and
$40,000 to complete the second floor of the
Training Addition.
We are hopeful that two
ministries that have funded matching fund
campaigns in previous years will match $40,000
if we can raise the other half by August. If you
can, please help us cross the finish line! To
give by credit card, please visit the secure AG
giving portal at Or, send your check
Assemblies of God World
LARTC Project 14295
1445 Boonville Ave
Springfield, MO 65802
On behalf of the thousands
trained, who in turn impact many thousands more,
we say Thank you! Your investment in LARTC helps
to create an endowment that will continue to
shape harvest workers for generations to come.
