The generous construction offering from Eastridge
allowed us to erect columns, begin second floor crossbeams, trusses,
purlins and roofing sheets. What a blessing to have the roof on
before the team arrived! This protected the team from not only
extreme heat, but also from the first downpour of the season.
The team worked side-by-side with our Panamanian crew to lay the
first floor exterior block walls (including a large storage/shop
room), the second story wall that is shared with the atrium and
extend the perimeter security wall an additional 100 feet! It was
impressive to see how much they accomplished and how quickly this
small group worked.
The team also spent two mornings assisting with
the distribution of NTV Action Bibles in three schools, with more
than 600 children who not only received a beautiful hard cover Bible
that includes more than 100 full-color pages of Bible stories
inserted alongside the Bible text, but also encouragement to: 1)
take care of and respect their new Bible, 2) read and study their
new Bible, and most importantly 3) unconditionally obey God’s Word.
The team also ministered at the Christ Refuge and
Salvation Church, a new church located at the entrance of the LARTC
property. One year ago, the Bakersfield First Assembly conducted a
medical outreach in the new building. Pastor Larry ministered to
more than 75 members of this new, growing congregation.
The team enjoyed a day of touring Panama City,
visiting the “old helmet” French Quarters, the Panama Canal and the
Gamboa Rainforest Reserve exhibits.
Thank you Pastor Larry, Don, Allie, Linda, Keith, Linda, Zachary and
Dagney, for your incredible investment in LARTC and in Panama!
