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Latin America Resource
and Training Center
Summit 2008 Argentina:
New Horizons in Ministerial Training
By Rod Boyd
Now to him who is able to do
immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,
according to his power that is at work within us, to
him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus
throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.
—Ephesians 3:20-21
Those that know me well know that
I have an extensive library of Star Trek paperback
books… like just about all of them. Ever since I was
a young boy, I dreamed about the stars. For me, Star
Trek epitomized hope and dreams, imagination and
The Argentina Summit was the
second this year.
There were 225 educators and leaders from 13
countries that attended the first, held in Guatemala
in April, targeting northern Latin America and the
Caribbean. See
Educators Summit 2008 Guatemala

Larger group photo |
the same way, Paul’s words above—a crescendo of hope and
possibility—remind me that with God all things are possible!
Without God we are powerless, unable to conceive of the
good things He has planned for us. But when his power is at
work within us, He allows us glimpses into the impossible.
Just like the sun rising over the horizon, we imagine the
New Horizons in Ministerial Training was the theme of the
recently concluded Educators Summit 2008 in Buenos Aires,
Argentina. This event was directed at the six “southern
cone” countries of South America—Argentina, Chile, Uruguay,
Paraguay, Peru and Bolivia. Two years ago, 108 national
leaders, educational leaders, Bible school directors and
professors attended the Summit from 10 countries. This year
we had set the goal at 150 and God helped us surpass this
with a total of 175 attending from 12 Latin American and
Caribbean countries.
the story isn’t just in the numbers. It is in the New
Horizons in ministerial education for these countries. It is
the awakening of a new vision, the renewing of purpose and
commitment. Grasping that training pastors, missionaries,
evangelists and teachers is not just the foundation of a
strong church, but is the church’s consummate expression of
faith that God is building his church and we must be
prepared for today’s and tomorrow’s harvests!
It is a New Day for countries like Chile
and Uruguay. A few months ago we reported on the
International Educational Leaders Dialogue held in Santiago,
Chile in March (see Educational Leaders “Dialogue South”).
The goal of these Dialogues is to encourage national
education leaders (and missionaries!) to work together to
identify and begin solving problems in our ministerial
training programs.
the time, the Bible school program in Chile was
underachieving. The national Christian education director
was not active. The national superintendent wasn’t a Bible
school supporter. Neither attended the Dialogue. But others
from Chile did. And just three short weeks later, one of
them was elected as the new superintendent and another as
the national Christian education director. Missionary Jim
Mazurek reported, “It’s a new day in Chile!” He is working
with the new superintendent and new CE director to
revitalize Chile’s Bible schools. And as evidence… just 5
Chileans attended the Summit two years ago, this year 34
traveled hundreds of miles to participate, including the two
newly elected leaders.
superintendent of Uruguay and director of Christian
Education also attended the Dialogue in Chile. They returned
back to their country and started to evaluate their Bible
schools. Two years ago, just 4 attended the Summit. This
year, Uruguay had 25 attend! Two years ago two attended from
Venezuela. This year there were 15.
Each participant was challenged to update
their commitment to God’s call to train ministers. We were
reminded of the challenge and need to work together at all
levels—on the Bible school level, national level and even
internationally—to provide quality training to meet the
growing diversity of ministry needs to remain relevant in a
world that each day becomes more complex and more demanding.
highlights... Dick Nicholson, Latin America/ Caribbean
Regional Director for AGWM, spoke in the last evening
service from II Kings 3. Donning his Argentine leather
cowboy hat and shovel in hand he demonstrated the importance
of preparing for the miracle—digging a well in the desert
where there is no water.
The second was commitment session at the
end where the director of Christian education,
superintendent or other representative from each country
read aloud the commitment statement that their delegations
had crafted. The result was an international declaration of
commitment. The new superintendent from Chile, Roberto Ruz,
led the group in a prayer. It was unifying and powerful!
here at IBRP… There is so much more that I could share, and
I will later. We’re getting ready to leave for the airport.
We’re sitting in our room looking out over the campus of
IBRP—Instituto Bíblico Río de la Plata or River Plate Bible
Institute. Rocky Grams, missionary and director of the Bible
school, was our host for the Summit. His students served us
with excellence. Hands down, IBRP is our model Bible school
in Latin America! There are several hundred that attend day
classes, night classes or Saturday classes, in a year-round
program. What a thrill to be able to show all those who
attended how it’s done.
it hasn’t always been like this. Rocky shared the story of
its humble beginnings and the day he became director as a
young missionary many years ago. There were just 53 students
and no one wanted it. But God put something in his heart. He
believes so much in his students and sees each student is a
rising star of potential.
What’s on the horizon? Something new,
something great, something unimaginable, something that God
intends to do “according to his power that is at work in
us! To him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus
throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.”
