Middletown PA: Final
Thrust at Las Mananitas
By Rod and Sherry Boyd
always sends the right people at the right time to the right
place. We had planned that the building team from Glad
Tidings Assembly of God, Middletown, Pennsylvania was going
to be working at the new central secondary school property.
But God had different plans. The architectural plans and
building permits were behind schedule at the central
secondary school. Glad Tidings was the first team as part of
the FINAL THRUST to finish the secondary school building at
Las Mananitas. This school of 600 elementary and secondary
students is crowded into inadequate facilities, with
elementary classrooms loaned to two seventh-grade classes.
group of 16 men and women led by Pastor Jim Grove were
God-sent to begin the final major construction at the
school. The secondary building is divided into three
sections, each defined by a level of the second-story floor.
They poured 32 yards of concrete to finish the final half of
the "upper section" of the second-story floor and a walkway
that connects the secondary and elementary buildings. They
laid block on the first story perimeter that will house the
library, administration, classroom and storage. They ran the
plumbing for the two restrooms and finished about half of
the stairwell. They also laid considerable block at the
other end of the building, in the "lower section" that will
provide two large science labs and administration of the
science department.
team fell in love with the children and staff of the school,
as well as their fellow Panamanian construction workers. It
wasn't unusual to find them visiting the students in their
classrooms or see them playing soccer or basketball on the
team had a tremendous ministry spirit. This was evident in
the chapel service held for the upper-elementary classes.
They shared Spanish choruses and dramas with the students.
Their animated skits were especially enjoyed by all. When
they finished the children shared their own songs and
choreographies, in both Spanish and English. The team
presented two suitcases of school supplies to the director
of the elementary section.
members of the team enjoyed a gondola ride that rises to the
rain forest/jungle canopy. The canopy ride is located along
the Panama Canal at Gamboa.
The farewell service at the church was
Spirit-anointed. After enjoying a worship time with Spanish
choruses, the team lead a time of worship with both English
and Spanish songs. Pastor Jim then spoke on Elijah and the
fire of God. The altar time was precious. The church and
school gave each team member a gift at the close of the
The team left tire, but with a sense of
accomplishment. Thank you Pastor Jim and team for your hard
work, dedication and ministry focus.