Two Teams Advance
LARTC Construction
Rod and Sherry Boyd
hosted two construction teams from Washington State, one the
first week of October and the other the first week of
November. The primary focus of the two groups would be to
lay the outside wall block on the second floor of the
housing building. Just days before the first team arrived,
we completed the roof, staircase and balcony platform for
the air conditioner compressors. This allowed both groups
access and a dry, secure place to work. Between teams our
crew finished the block and roof over the stairwell.
NiK Baumgart and former missionary associates Randy and Lynne
Forsyth directed the team of 12 from the Grove Church (Marysville).
This team has become experienced in construction because of four consecutive
trips to Panama to help with construction of school facilities. The team
returned for a second trip this year to help with LARTC construction. The
team quickly found their rythym and when finished had over 50% of the
perimeter wall up with both the lower and upper bond beams poured, and even
started block work above the upper bond beam. The team took one morning off
to help with the Action Bible distribution at the December 24th Good
Shepherd School.

Pastor Larry Murrell led a team of 12 from
Eastridge Church (Issaquah). One of the team members was a part of
the 2007 trip to Panama when Eastridge worked on the Las Mananitas and
Jireh Good Shepherd Schools. Those two schools represent 15% of the nearly
10,000 children and youth in the Panama Schools. The team picked up where
the Grove Church team left off. When finished, they closed in an additional
40% and laid five courses above the upper bond beam, ready for the last bond
beam. The team took one morning off to visit the two chapels at the
Getsemani Good Shepherd School and to help with distribution of the Action
Bible. Some of the ladies jumped in to help Sherry wrap LACC Christmas
grateful for the work of these two teams who helped us to see that with two
more teams we can finish all of the block work on the upper floor of the
housing building! Please pray with us that God will continue send teams and
funds for this worthy project. So far, we have two teams scheduled for 2018.
Our goal for 2018 is to begin construction of the 5,700 sq ft Phase Three
Atrium that will connect buildings one and two, as well as complete the 13
guestrooms on the upper floor of the housing building. As funds permit we
will also build a new street entrance, recondition the gravel road and
parking, continue the perimter security wall and build the retention wall on
the back side of the property.
COMPLETE thanks to friends like you!