Construction Update -
Latin America Resource & Training Center
Rod and Sherry Boyd
Fotos at the end of the article
We’ve been back in Panama since July, following nine
months of itineration, visiting supporting churches and individuals. You may
recall seeing our video that showed us walking through the property where
the Latin America Resource and Training Center (LARTC) facilities would be
built (2014-09-LARTC-Vision). We challenged God’s people to help us build a
vehicle bridge, replacing the wood bridge that we crossed on the video.
And together we did it! It’s not a
bridge; instead we used twin five-foot culverts that allow full flow of the
creek during heavy tropical rains. This change helped us to preserve the
natural beauty of the area and we saved 20% in construction costs! The road
is now extended another 100 yards past the creek to where the LARTC
buildings will be located.
We are now preparing for the first two construction teams
that will be with us in February and March. But there is so much to do
before they arrive. Please pray with us that God would provide the necessary
funds to complete four important preliminary steps:
Grading and leveling to prepare for the foundations
Purchase and installation of transformer and cable
Road, drainage and septic work
Foundation, columns and second-story floor of the
first buidling phase.
All of this must be completed before the first team
arrives in mid-February. If you are able to help, please send
your offerings to:
LARTC Project 14295
1445 Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802
Also, please pray that God would send additional teams in
the coming months to continue construction on the building. Our goal is to
be able to move our offices to the new facilities by December next year!
Please visit the
website for additional information about the project, including building
phases and specifications.
Watch the following videos on the LARTC Vimeo video
December 2015 -
Construction Video Update
December 2015 -
Property Tour
Once again, we want to say thank you for partnering with
us. Together we are raising up Christian leaders in Panama and throughout
Spanish-speaking Latin America!
