Bethany Team Returns to Las Mananitas
By Rod and Sherry Boyd
Christian Assembly, Everett, WA, played an important part
last year in starting the second story of the secondary
school building at Las Mananitas. Last year’s team laid half
of the perimeter block around the lower two-thirds of the
second story and contributed to roofing that section. The
team returned in June to continue the perimeter blocking
around the upper one-third of the building and to finish the
science section, completing the interior walls and
electrical work.
of the Bethany team, led by Dr. Pat Rees, also ministered in medical clinics
during the first week. These clinics were offered in remote, poor areas,
where people would not normally have medical care available. The facilities
were borrowed—a local church or a half-finished home. At times team members
themselves served as privacy curtains. The second week the ladies that made
up the medical team joined the construction effort.
team’s work in the science area was very important. The science area will
provide two science labs as well as a combination office/storage area. The
science lab, which currently shares a classroom with the typing room, will
be moved to one of the new labs upstairs. The typing room will move to the
other upstairs room temporarily. The secondary computer lab will be expanded
to prepare for a new high school career focus in Business Technology. The
high school currently offers only science. Young people must choose a career
focus when they start 10th grade.
generous construction offering, combined with the previous offerings,
allowed us to finish the entire roof over the secondary school building. A
team from Calvary Temple Seattle will arrive soon to finish the perimeter
blocking. No additional teams are anticipated. However, much work remains to
be done. The library and office area floors must be poured and electrical
installed. Windows must be installed in this area also. Lights, windows and
hanging ceiling must be installed in the science area. Block dividers need
to be installed in most of the second story. We need $10,000 for this next
phase that needs to be completed within the next few months. If you are able
to help, please send your offerings to:
of God World Missions
Project 7794
1445 Boonville Ave
Springfield, MO 65802
The team connected with students and teachers. Members of
the team participated in English classes. Students visited the team upstairs
at the construction site. Associate Pastor Virgil Brown preached a simple
message at the farewell service where the team and the national workers said
their good-byes.
Thank you, Bethany Christian Assembly, Everett, WA, for
your ongoing investment in the lives of children and young people at Las
